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الأحد، 18 سبتمبر 2011

facesocial v0.1 blogger template

After an absence for a long time for my blog Today I  back and with my a very pleasant surprise for all visitors of 3alymni-blog.
Today we announce the official launch of the facesocial templat v0.1 for Blogger platform.

تحميل                        مشاهدة

 more information about it : 
Designer: soufian elkamsaoui  "owner of 3alymni "

coding   : soufian elkamsaoui 

date       :   25/08/2011

friendly seo template

facebook comment box 

facebox hack

and more ..............

 How to modify the tempalte
nav-bar section:

search in the template this code: 
<div class='menu-primary-container' id='submenu'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' id='homeButton'>Home</a></li>
<li class='page_item'><span class='menu_bg'><a href=''>About Us</a></span></li>
<li class='page_item'><span class='menu_bg'><a href=''>Contact Us</a></span></li>
<li class='page_item'><span class='menu_bg'><a href=''>3alymni</a></span></li>
  logo section:
search in the template this code: 
<h1 class='logo'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><img src='your-logo-here'/></a></h1>
blog story section:  
search in the template this code: 
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="blog_stories" class="uiGrid mvm"><tbody><tr><td class="vTop"><div class="blog_story_image"><a href="/here-likn-of-post"><img alt="" src="here-post-pic" class="img"></a><h2><a href="/here-likn-of-post" class="uiLinkSubtle">here-post-title</a></h2></div></td><td class="vTop"><div class="blog_story_image"><a href="/here-likn-of-post"><img alt="" src="here-post-pic" class="img"></a><h2><a href="/here-likn-of-post" class="uiLinkSubtle">here-post-title</a></h2></div></td><td class="vTop"><div class="blog_story_image"><a href="/here-link-of-post"><img alt="" src="here-post-pic" class="img"></a><h2><a href="/here-link-of-post" class="uiLinkSubtle">here-post-title</a></h2></div></td></tr></tbody></table>
(click in img to see them on large)

 The End
for more information plz contact my: or @os161 "twitter"

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